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How To Order

… We believe that the most effective way to assist you will be to discuss your fishing needs together one-on-one. We are after all, fisherman just like you. We talk your language, we know our tools well, and we know how to fish them …

Our discussions are casual, but informative. Our primary goal will always be to gather information about your fishing that will allow us to assist you in selecting the correct tools to best meet your specific fishing environments.

In our discussion, we’ll ask that you briefly share your fly fishing history with us. This especially in regards to the types of fly rod actions you have used, and preferred. We’ll also discuss the various families of lines you have married to them.

We’ll discuss your chosen fishing techniques, and how you envision utilizing your rod and lines for these techniques. This aspect of the discussion will be paramount, as the information exchanged here will ultimately determine the most effective rod/reel and line combinations best suited for the described job at hand.

Once we have mutually determined which rod and lines will best meet your specific fishing environments, we’ll then discuss the build schedule details for the rod. This to include the reel seat, grip assemblies, guide systems thread colors and various other personalized cosmetic details.

The final step will be that we will request you to forward us your shipping address, and best contact phone number.

With this information, we will open a folder for you, and forward a detailed build proposal back to you. The proposal will describe the rod and lines discussed, the rod’s build schedule, funds exchange process and delivery times. If the proposal is accepted; it will then become your invoice, and the shop’s work order. The accepted proposal will also serve as a simple written two party contractual agreement between our shop and yourself.

All and all … These conversations can be a fun process, and a vehicle to allow you to just kick back, and talk fishing for a while <> And we’ve even been known to share a wee dram together in the process !

For inquiries about ordering our products, we request that you E-Mail us, or phone our shop directly <> Call: 541-770-4766 <> E-Mail: [email protected]

Thanks <> Bob Meiser